Saturday 28 September 2013

Brisbane Visitor Information Centre (Friendly Staff) - Queen St Mall

The  Brisbane Visitor Information Centre is in Queen St Mall. There you can get lots of good information. It is very helpful, especially for those who are visiting Brisbane for the first time. There are maps and  magazines which shows the events that are taking place for the month. The staff greet visitors with a smile. They are very friendly and are very helpful.They will approach those who enter the centre  and are willing to spend time explaining. This is very special and it feels good to speak to someone who is interested in making your holiday a happy one.

They are happy to help and provide answers to questions. Tickets for events can be purchased at the centre.

You can call the information centre at 3006 6290. There are friendly staff to help answer questions over the phone.

Brisbane Visitor Information Centre in Queen St Mall.

Interesting - Brisbane is Australia's new world city.

This map was obtained from the Visitor Information Centre. A very good map to use to explore Brisbane.

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